Optimize Speed & Performance

The best tool to boost Core Web Vitals for websites built on Cloudflare.

Trusted by great companies

    • Vivint
    • Kuhl
    • Salesforce
    • Pluralsight
    • Faherty Brand
    • NordicTrack

Page Speed Made Simple

Get the most out of Cloudflare. Improve your Core Web Vitals.

We integrate directly to your Cloudflare account for ease of installation and optimal performance.

Get the most out of your website

Take advantage of Huckabuy to unlock the full potential of your Cloudflare website

Superior Product

Cloudflare is one of the leading CDN providers for speed and performance, but without Huckabuy, you are not getting the most out of your website.

Huckabuy is the best tool to boost Core Web Vitals for Cloudflare websites.


Websites are complex and have many different issues that can contribute to poor Core Web Vitals. Huckabuy has built 10+ boosters extending Cloudlfare’s offering, all designed to solve the various issues contributing to poor scores.

Don’t rely on the out-of-the-box boosters provided by Cloudflare. Try Huckabuy, the best product to improve Core Web Vital scores.

Latest Technology

Over the past few years we have been working closely with Cloudflare’s technology and have become experts at leveraging their technology. We do the heavy lifting so you don't have to.

No need to budget engineering hours to achieve fast page speed and performance.

Page Speed Booster
Image Resize
Image Polish
Auto Minify
Early Hints
Early Content Delivery
Script Timing
Bandwidth Aggregation
Defer Google Font
Defer Media
Fold Prioritization
Next-Gen Image and GIF Conversion

Simple pricing for everyone.

It doesn’t matter what size your business is, our software will work well for you.


Good for anyone who is self-employed and just getting started.

  • Websites with <100 pages
  • 3 page rules
  • Manual configuration
Book a Demo

Small business

Perfect for small / medium sized businesses.

  • Websites with <5000 pages
  • 10 page rules
  • Dashboard Analytics
  • Automated site audit and configuration
Book a Demo


For even the biggest enterprise companies, Huckabuy will work for you.

  • Websites with >5000 pages
  • Unlimited page rules
  • Dashboard Analytics
  • Automated site audit and configuration
  • Enterprise support contact
Book a Demo

* Prices are specific to Page Speed only Cloudflare API integrations and subject to change

Frequently asked questions

If you can’t find what you’re looking for, email us: [email protected]

    • Does Huckabuy configure the boosters for me?

      For our Small Business and Enterprise plans, we will audit and configure your boosters for you.

    • Do I need Cloudflare to use Huckabuy?

      No, we offer a variety of integrations that do not require Cloudflare. Get in touch and we will find the integration that is best for you.

    • Why is Page Speed so important?

      Page Speed is a crucial aspect of you website's success, it impacts your google rankings.

    • Why use Huckabuy over other Page Speed products?

      Huckabuy leverages Cloudflare which gives us access to the latest in web technology, which has enabled us to build some of the most effective boosters directly correlated with Core Web Vitals.

    • How do you determine what boosters to activate?

      We audit each section of your website and detect what vitals are under performing and activate boosters based on that data.

    • If my website changes, do I need to change my boosters?

      We have an internal monitoring service that keeps an eye on your performance, if anything changes, our software will know and react accordingly.