Want more SEO traffic, leads, and revenue?

How does your site stack up today? Get a free technical SEO analysis here:
Huckabuy makes SEO growth easy with a simple software install. Automate:
  • Huckabuy product icon logo
    Super Fast Page Speed
  • Huckabuy product icon logo
    World Class Structured Data
  • Huckabuy product icon logo
    Meta Data
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    Dynamic Rendering
  • Learn more about AI SEO

    Where smart technology meets top rankings

    What you'll learn in this video

    • How to install AI SEO and connect Google Search Console
    • The user interface and layout of the product
    • An example showing HTML optimizations, FAQs and Articles
    • The end result after applying all page-level optimizations
    Trusted by some of the biggest names in business.

    The Technical SEO Platform Built For Speed

    Huckabuy makes your website faster, boosts organic traffic, and drives sustainable revenue for your business.
    See How Page Speed Works! Watch This Video
    Live Customer Stats

    Huckabuy Cloud Requests
    Total number of optimized pages served.


    Response Time
    Avg. response time for optimized pages.


    Organic Search Clicks
    Avg. increase in organic search clicks YoY.



    Huckabuy Page Speed customers have improved their Google speed scores as much as 60 points.

    This increased speed score results in:

    • Increased traffic
    • Reduced bounce rate
    • Higher conversion rate
    • More revenue

    Learn about Page Speed

    speed score increase
    Technical SEO Platform

    The #1 Technical SEO Platform

    Huckabuy Cloud is a SaaS platform that enables you to drive more organic traffic to your brand’s site and improve user page experience by automating some of the most impactful — and technically difficult — SEO best practices.

    Learn about Huckabuy Cloud

    Huckabuy Products

    Huckabuy Cloud
    Create quality content in five minutes. Improve SEO and provide unique value to your audience.
    Huckabuy Cloud
    Users and robots leave slow sites. Improve your page speed to increase revenue and rankings. Every millisecond counts.
    Huckabuy Cloud
    Organic results are more competitive than ever. Make the best impression in search with our software.
    Huckabuy Cloud
    Google misses a lot of your content. Make it easy for their search bots to crawl, render, and index your site.

    Compatible with the Biggest Platforms


    Customer Reviews

    Structured Data

    Speedy SEO Success

    We had some very specific and aggressive SEO goals and Huckabuy helped us achieve those and a lot more in a very short period of time. We went from page 2 on Google to page 1 to the top ranking for one of our priority terms in a less than a month. We also saw a significant boost in overall organic search traffic as our rankings for a number of other terms improved. And we only halfway through our implementation process.
    Drew Neisser, Renegade
    Great Software That’s Driven Real Results

    Huckabuy's SEO products have helped us increase our search value and provide meaningful increases in web traffic to our site. We`ve found this tool to drive continued growth and help us acquire new customers with little manual intervention. We have a relatively small digital team so automation is incredibly valuable. This tool does the work for us.
    David DeMartini, POC
    Makes Markup Easy!

    Huckabuy makes all things structured markup insanely easy. No more working with dev teams to tweak itemprops or JSON to account for the most recent updates. One simple snippet of code and the Huckabuy team takes care of everything else.
    Nick LeRoy, SEO Consultant
    Game Changer!

    Huckabuy's structured data markup service qualified our content for rich features that improved the functionality and visibility of our search results. These features have helped us stand out from the rest of the pack, satisfy queries faster, and entice more visits to our website. As a result, the organic channel has really taken off for us. Comparing the last 6 months to the previous period, we have seen dramatic increase in clicks (106%), impressions (48%), and average click through rate (40%).
    Paul Garner, Drake Software

    Huckabuy Cloud

    What would a 62% increase in organic traffic mean to your business?

    When search is a zero-sum game the organic channel matters more than ever.
    We will give you a decisive competitive edge, no matter who you are going up against.
    Average customers experience exceptional growth 12 months after implementing our software.

    Increase In Rich results

    Your content will qualify for over 30 SERP features like ratings, reviews, videos, frequently asked questions, and how-to instructions that improve the appearance, functionality, and visibility of your listings in search results.

    84% Increase In Ranking Keywords

    Your content will rank for more of the mid-to-long tail terms your target audience is searching for.

    Huckabuy 4 Points

    101% Increase In Organic Impressions

    Your content will stand out with more features compared to the standard blue links on search results pages.

    62% Increase In Organic Clicks

    Your content will be packed with helpful, informative features that entice your target audience to click through to your website.

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    Google Algorithm Update
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    The software approach to SEO

    Our software improves your search results, drives more organic traffic, and makes your website faster

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