Occupation / Estimated Salary Rich Results

Occupation structured data allows salary estimate providers to define salary ranges and region-based salary averages for job types, details about the occupation such as typical benefits, qualifications, and educational requirements, and aggregate them by factors such as experience levels or hiring organization.

Occupation structured data can appear in the job experience on Google Search and as a salary estimate rich result for a given occupation.

If you are publishing job postings with actual salary information, please refer to our Job Posting Structured Data help section.

What Your Site Needs

*Occupation/Estimated salary rich results are only available to websites that provide industry data that define salary ranges and region-based salary averages for job types, details about the occupation such as typical benefits, qualifications, and educational requirements, and aggregate them by factors such as experience levels or hiring organization. 

For full documentation on Estimated Salary structured data visit: https://developers.google.com/search/docs/data-types/estimatedsalary