Critic Review Rich Results
A critic review is a snippet from a longer review article that a single editor has created, curated, or compiled for a publisher. Critic reviews appear in search results with a snippet from the critic, the critic’s name, and the publisher icon, helping your readers to easily find the reviews and navigate to your website to read the complete reviews. You can supply critic reviews for the following content types:
- Local Business
- Movies
- Books
What Your Site Needs:
*Google is only working with a limited number of providers, however, you’re welcome to have Huckabuy implement structured data.
- Date Published
- Description – A snippet from the body of the actual review that captures the author’s opinion about the review subject.
- Item Reviewed (Book, Movie, Local Business)
- Item Reviewed Postal Address (Full Local Business Address)
- Item Reviewed Author (Author of the book being reviewed)
- ISBN (Required for Books only)
- URL – The URL of a page that unambiguously identifies the item that is the subject of the review. Google strongly prefers the following URLs based on the subject of the review:
- Books: The book’s Google Play Books page, Wikipedia page, or official website.
- Movies: The movie’s IMDB page, Wikipedia page, or official website.
- Local Business: The business’s official website.
- Publisher (Organization for the publisher of the review
- Publisher name. Example: “The New York Times”
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