Carousel Rich Results

A carousel provides multiple rich card results in a list format within the SERPs. The only object types that will produce a carousel include Article, Recipe, Course, Restaurant, and Movie. To create eligibility for a carousel all objects must be the same. Generally, carousels only appear on mobile devices and it is possible to be featured in a carousel list among other websites. 

Carousel structured data markup acquires more real estate above the fold in the SERPs, creating greater visibility across many pages as you can scroll through the list, and improving CTR.

Huckabuy’s software looks for specific HTML code in order to mark up the information on your page so it qualifies to show in search results.

There are two ways to implement Carousel markup: 

1. Summary page + multiple full details pages 

This markup provides a description of each item in the list and the descriptions will point to the appropriate page from the list that is unique for that particular topic. 

2. Single all in a one-page list 

This markup provides one single page that contains all of the list information including the full text/description.

What does your webpage need? 

To create a carousel you must define it as an ItemList and it must have at least two ListItems to qualify.

Required Properties

For full technical documentation on carousel structured data visit: