Duplicate Structured Data Removal 

As the importance of structured data and the understanding of its value has grown, so has the growth of website tools generation of it. It is crucial to avoid the duplication of structured data markup on pages and the generation of it from many sources. As a customer of Huckabuy’s structured data software you are buying the most robust structured data for your site, therefore why have any duplication. 

Apart from already having Huckabuy structured data on-site, it is bad practice to have duplication. Duplication creates confusion for search engines and could potentially negatively impact the performance of Huckabuy’s software. 

Oftentimes the source of structured data duplication can be found from plugins such as Yoast SEO, SEO Manager, various other plugins; as well as within your CMS theme. These alternate sources aren’t kept up to Google’s changing requirements and create errors that impact results or warnings from lack of attributes that are existing on-page. 

To remove duplicate structured data you must first find the source. This can be done by utilizing the Rich Results Testing Tool to locate the duplicate objects, clicking on an attribute within each one and then locating the source within the HTML. 

If the duplication is created by a plugin, it is as simple as deactivating that plugin. If in the case the plugin is utilized for other elements then you can contact the support staff of that plugin and request that the structured data/schema feature of the plugin be deactivated.