Looking to further your understanding and learn more? Dive deeper into our most commonly asked questions and topics with the articles listed below.

In this section of our Knowledge Base, we answer common questions and concerns our customers have about our Huckabuy Cloud software platform. If you are a Huckabuy customer and your question isn’t answered here, please contact our Support Team in your Huckabuy Dashboard. If you are not a Huckabuy customer yet, click here to get in touch with a Huckabuy team member.

Dynamic Rendering Benefits

Dynamic rendering is the process of serving a client-side version of your site for users and a separate, server-side version for Search Bots. On the server-side, javascript content is converted into a flat HTML version preferred by Search Bots. This allows them to fully access, crawl, and index webpage content. It’s one of the biggest changes Google has made in years. Dynamic rendering is beneficial for both users and businesses. Dynamic rendering helps process javascript more efficiently, improving site speed, and overall user experience. On the business side, it helps search engines crawl and index your website more effectively and efficiently. This makes your web pages more visible in search results, and help your SEO rankings. For marketers, this is especially good news because it will increase the chances for a piece of content to gain organic traffic.

Huckabuy Indexing

After completing the Huckabuy Cloud onboarding process, our software will begin indexing your website using a few different methods. This article will explain the indexing methods that it uses and how often Huckabuy indexes your website. As long as you are using Huckabuy’s Dynamic Rendering product, we’ll make sure Google can crawl your website fast & efficiently so you can put all your focus on producing quality content. Read the full article to find out more.

URL Routing

With Huckabuy’s URL Routing product, you are able to configure your website’s URLs to redirect or remap to a completely new URL without the need to reconfigure your web server. These redirects and remaps are applied at our distributed Edge locations so your website will still benefit with low latency and fast response times. Also, the URL Routing product can be used in many different ways, providing different opportunities for website and SEO performance. Read more to find out how URL Routing can benefit you.

Origin Servers

An origin server is one or more web servers that handle requests from internet clients and respond with the requested content. If you are setting up Huckabuy Cloud for the first time or you have changed your origin server, this article will help you understand how to properly enter this information for Huckabuy Cloud to operate successfully.  Read the full article on origin servers.

Proxy Servers

A proxy server is a computer that operates as a gateway between a local network, such as a set of web servers, and the internet. Read more to learn about the different types of proxy servers and their different benefits and use-cases.

Which Robots Huckabuy Cloud Talks To

Huckabuy is created primarily for optimizing conversations with Google, however, over the years, customers have asked for other robots to be included in who we deliver dynamically rendered for. This page provides a list of all the bots that Huckabuy Cloud talks to as they are coming to your site.

Huckabuy APIs

In addition to software products, Huckabuy offers a variety of APIs for webmasters to utilize. Read the following articles to learn more about each of the Huckabuy APIs and how to use them.



Huckabuy offers multiple options for integrating with our Huckabuy Cloud product. The difference between the variations depends on the number of pages a site has and if the site already has a Cloudflare account.  Are three integrations are: Standard, Premium, and API. Click on one of the integration options below to see a video and article to explain how to complete self-service onboarding.

Huckabuy Cloud Installation Requirements

Migrating to Huckabuy Cloud – Standard

Huckabuy Cloud Premium + API

Using Huckabuy Through Our Legacy Integration

How to Grant Huckabuy Access to your Google Search Console


Huckabuy has an expert support staff to answer our customers’ questions and ensure that they have the best user experience with our software. We’ve compiled a list of commonly asked questions, and answered them in the articles below.